Types of Basketball Shots

What are the Different Types of Basketball Shots?

Struggling to find your perfect shot among different types of basketball shots? Discover the diverse basketball shooting styles to elevate your game to new heights! Whether you are aiming for mid-range jump shots, graceful layups, powerful dunks, or crafty hook shots, understanding the different styles can give you a competitive edge on the court.

What Is Shooting in Basketball?

Shooting in basketball refers to the act of attempting to score points by propelling the ball into the opponent’s basket or hoop. It involves a player using proper technique to launch the ball accurately toward the basket, typically aiming for the center of the hoop. Shooting can be done from various distances and angles on the court, and it is one of the fundamental basketball skills. Good shooters possess a combination of accuracy, consistency, and range, allowing them to contribute significantly to their team’s offense.

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9 Types of Basketball NBA Shots

There are several types of basketball shots, including:

Jump Shot in Basketball

The jump shot is a fundamental basketball shooting technique where players leap into the air and release the ball at the peak of their jump. It is commonly used for shooting from mid-range distances, typically within the free-throw line and three-point arc.

Players execute a mid-range jump shot when they are positioned at a moderate distance from the basket. Additionally, they attempt a three-point jump shot from beyond the three-point arc, which earns three points if successful. This shot requires proper form, including a consistent shooting motion and good elevation to release the ball over defenders.

The Layup

A layup is a close range shot performed by a player driving towards the basket. It involves softly releasing the ball off the backboard or directly into the hoop to score points. Players use the layup when they are near the basket and need to score quickly while avoiding defenders.

It is a fundamental skill in basketball and is often taught to players at a young age due to its effectiveness in scoring close to the basket. Proper footwork, timing, and body control are essential for successfully executing a layup amidst defensive pressure.

Slam Dunk

A slam dunk in basketball is a dynamic and visually impressive maneuver where a player forcefully propels the ball into the hoop with one or both hands. This move requires exceptional jumping ability, as the player typically leaps high into the air to reach the rim.

The player approaches the basket with speed, often taking off from a few feet away, and then elevates towards the hoop. As the player reaches the peak of their jump, they extend their arm(s) upward, aiming to slam the ball through the hoop with force and authority.

Hook Shot Basketball

The player executes the hook shot, a one-handed shot, by quickly turning their body sideways and using a hook-like motion with their arm to shoot the ball. Taller players often utilize this technique when they are near the basket.

The turn-around shot involves the player quickly turning away from the defender while shooting the ball, creating separation and making it harder for the defender to block the shot.

Bank Shot

The bank shot is a shooting technique in basketball where the player intentionally bounces the ball off the backboard at a specific angle to make it go into the basket. It’s often utilized when shooting from medium range, particularly when the direct shot is difficult due to defensive pressure or an awkward shooting angle. By using the backboard as a target, players can increase the likelihood of scoring, especially in situations where a direct shot may be less accurate.

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Free Throw

A free throw is a crucial aspect of basketball, awarded to a player after certain fouls by the opposing team. The player stands alone on the free-throw line, with no defensive pressure, and attempts to score by shooting the ball into the hoop.

Each successful free throw is worth one point and can be pivotal in determining the outcome of close games. Free throws require focus, concentration, and consistent shooting technique, making them an essential skill for players at all levels of the game.

Granny Shot

The granny shot, also known as underhand shooting, is a unique shooting technique where the player flips the ball with an underhand motion toward the basket. Though less common in professional basketball, some players have employed this technique, particularly for free throws. Advocates of the granny shot argue that it can be more accurate and easier to control than traditional shooting techniques. While its unconventional appearance may draw attention, its effectiveness in scoring points cannot be overlooked.


The floater is a finesse shot utilized by basketball players when driving toward the basket. It involves releasing the ball with a soft touch while in mid-air, typically over taller defenders. The floater is an essential weapon in a player’s offensive arsenal, allowing them to score in situations where a layup or dunk may be challenging due to defensive pressure or limited space. Mastering the floater requires precise timing, touch, and body control, making it a valuable skill for guards and perimeter players looking to score in traffic.

Three-point shot

A three-point shot is attempted from beyond the three-point arc, typically positioned 23.75 feet (7.24 meters) from the basket in the NBA. It is worth three points if successful and is a valuable scoring tool for players with good long-range shooting ability. The three-point shot has become increasingly important in modern basketball, influencing offensive strategies and player development to emphasize perimeter shooting skills.

How To Shoot Better in Basketball?

Mastering the fundamentals of shooting is essential for any basketball player looking to excel on the court. These six key elements form the foundation of a successful shooting technique:

Proper Footwork: Establishing a solid base is crucial for accurate shooting. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, with one shooting foot slightly ahead of the other. This balanced stance provides stability and allows for a consistent shooting motion.

Grip and Hand Placement: Maintain a comfortable and firm grip on the basketball using your shooting hand. Your fingers should be spread evenly across the ball, with your shooting hand’s elbow directly under the ball for better control and accuracy.

Alignment and Body Positioning: Face the hoop with your shooting shoulder pointing towards the target. Align your shooting elbow and forearm with the basket, ensuring a straight-shooting path for the ball.

Focus on the Target: Keep your eyes locked on the rim throughout your shooting motion. Visualizing the ball going through the net can enhance your shooting accuracy and boost your confidence.

Smooth Shooting Motion: Develop a fluid and consistent shooting motion. Start the shot with a smooth dip or load of the ball, followed by an upward extension of your shooting arm, and release the ball at the peak of your jump.

Follow-through: A proper follow-through is vital for a successful shot. After releasing the ball, extend your shooting hand towards the target, keeping your wrist relaxed and your fingers pointed downward. A strong follow-through enhances your shot’s accuracy and helps you maintain consistency.


What is the hardest shot in basketball?

The hardest shot in basketball is widely considered to be the full-court shot or the half-court shot. This shot involves shooting the ball from an extremely long distance, usually from beyond the opposite team’s three-point line, making it incredibly challenging to score.

Which shot is very difficult to defend?

The shot that is very difficult to defend is the fadeaway jump shot. Players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant were known for executing this move to perfection. The fadeaway creates separation from the defender, making it tough to contest the shot effectively.

Who has never missed a shot in the NBA?

No player in NBA history has ever missed a shot. Basketball is an intense and competitive sport, and even the greatest players have missed shots during their careers. Achieving a perfect shooting record in the NBA is virtually impossible.

How many shots are in the NBA?

In the NBA, players take different kinds of shots like layups, jump shots, and three-pointers. The number of shots they take depends on how the game goes and what strategies they use.


Basketball offers different types of challenging shots, like the full-court shot, while the fadeaway jump shot is tough to defend. However, no NBA player has ever achieved a perfect shooting record. Basketball remains an unpredictable sport where mastering shooting fundamentals is key to success.

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